Positive Shift: Gray Whale Calf Count Points to Population Recovery

Positive Shift: Gray Whale Calf Count Points to Population Recovery

Encouraging news emerges as the gray whale calf count doubles during this year's spring migration, marking a significant improvement from the previous record-low count. NOAA Fisheries' Southwest Fisheries Science Center reports this promising uptick, suggesting a potential stabilization of the eastern North Pacific gray whale population that had been facing a decline linked to increased strandings. This situation prompted NOAA Fisheries to declare an Unusual Mortality Event (UME) in 2019.
Oregon Extends Crab Fishing Rules to Protect Whales from Trap Rope Dangers

Oregon Extends Crab Fishing Rules to Protect Whales from Trap Rope Dangers

Oregon is taking significant conservation action by extending crab fishing regulations to safeguard humpback whales from getting ensnared in trap ropes. The state's Department of Fish and Wildlife has prolonged measures that reduce the risk of whales becoming trapped in vertical ropes attached to crab traps.
The Story Behind 1,000 lbs of Crab Caught in Zone 19 (Closed due to North Atlantic Right Whale Sighting)
Canadian Policy

The Story Behind 1,000 lbs of Crab Caught in Zone 19 (Closed due to North Atlantic Right Whale Sighting)

Behind every picture there is a story...this one has quite the journey. This is a complicated picture once you get past the first glance of a full crab trap. For us it represents a year of innovation and all of the highs and lows that go with it. 
ATLAS Software and Tablet

Ashored ATLAS Destined for Google App Store August 2023

Ashored is excited to announce that ATLAS will be available in the Google Apps store. Our most recent software release, Version 2023, is a user-friendly app that allows for trap harvesters to mark the location of their gear deployments, wirelessly interact with Ashored's Rope on Command Gear, and provide seamless cloud backups.
North Atlantic Right Whale Closures
Canadian Policy

North Atlantic Right Whale Closures

Acoustic detections of whales by hydrophones (underwater microphones), and visual sightings of right whales from vessels and aircraft, will trigger temporary and season-long fishing closures. Please find the closures announced in July in Atlantic Canada. Note: Fishery notices related to North Atlantic right whales
Changes to Regulations Allowing for Rope-On-Command Sustainable Fishing Gear
Canadian Policy

Changes to Regulations Allowing for Rope-On-Command Sustainable Fishing Gear

Times are a changing! Rope on Demand fishing gear has been created as a direct response to the threat of whale entanglement posed by traditional fishing gear. Although innovation can develop quickly, policy is often slow to change hindering progress in any space. This is good news as Fisheries and Oceans Canada has proposed regulatory changes that would remove the requirement of a marker at the surface to the location of traps. Instead, the proposed changes would allow for rope on command fishing gear deployment as a license condition or variation order.
Cooperation Leads to Joint Effort to Free North Atlantic Right Whale Mother from Fishing Gear

Cooperation Leads to Joint Effort to Free North Atlantic Right Whale Mother from Fishing Gear

A remarkable joint effort off the coast of Witless Bay successfully freed a mother humpback whale (and her calf) trapped in over 500 feet of crab fishing gear. Joe O'Brien of O'Brien's Boat Tours spotted the entangled mother and calf and promptly contacted Julie Huntington of Whale Release and Strandings. After temporarily losing track of the whales, they were eventually located near Green Island. The challenging task of disentangling a moving whale was carried out with caution, ultimately freeing the whale after about 90 minutes. The rescue showcased exceptional cooperation, with O'Brien's vital assistance gratefully recognized by Huntington.
The Boys and Girls Club of Halifax joined with Project SculptShore to clean up the Bedford Basin
Boys and Girls Clubs

The Boys and Girls Club of Halifax joined with Project SculptShore to clean up the Bedford Basin

Elizabeth Wile and Alanna Canaran, of Project SculptShore, organized a successful cleanup event at Africville in the Bedford Basin on July 14th. Teaming up with the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Halifax, they educated youth about the North Atlantic right whale and encouraged their involvement in cleaning up shorelines and protecting the ocean environment. The initiative aims to raise awareness for the whale's conservation by addressing threats like entanglement, boat strikes, and plastic pollution. Wile and Canaran, with their life-sized whale calf sculpture, are continuing their summer drive along the East Coast, promoting positive messaging and engaging communities in the cause.